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Leave no trace! At Wakana Reunion we’re very keen on taking ultra good care of our environment. ▴

Aware of the environmental impact of holding a festival, the sustainable management of Wakana has become one of our priorities. We want to work, from the first edition, to progressively minimize the event’s footprint and, in the medium term, to make Wakana Reunion a festival that leaves its mark on the public, but not on the environment.

Throwing all kinds of items such as cigarette butts, toilet paper, glasses or other ítems. Is strictly prohibited, the repeated action of this behavior may be punished with the expulsion of our special family. Let’s respect the place.

© Uldis Lapins

We work together to promote a more sustainable world. Taking as reference both the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and the ISO21021 standard (international standard for sustainable event management).

We advocate for a multidisciplinary vision of sustainability where professionals from different sectors collaborate to enhance it, defined as “the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It involves responsible management of natural resources, promotion of socio-economic equity, business transparency, as well as preservation of the environment to ensure harmonious and enduring development over time.

At Wakana Reunion, we see sustainability as a necessity to maintain a balance between human well-being, economic prosperity, and protection of the planet. Therefore, we strive to expand our influence in the field of sustainability and carry out concrete actions in various areas to promote sustainable development. We consider each and every one of the SDGs as a priority in decision-making, contributing our part to building a more sustainable future.

The development of an open space where growing together while being in contact with nature. Wakana Reunion is not just a unique place to dance and have fun. It is also an educational center and a research, development, and innovation laboratory. Our purpose is to offer a complete experience in nature and community life. Culture and innovation, understood as the core of our initiative, drive and give life to our movement. Social awareness regarding sustainability emerges as a fundamental pillar for collective well-being and preservation of the planet. From Wakana Reunion to the most densely populated urban centers, the need to adopt responsible and environmentally friendly practices becomes an unavoidable necessity such as the choice of consumer products, waste management, or responsible water consumption. Every individual action impacts global ecological balance. It is in this context where awareness raising and education efforts acquire an invaluable value.

Social awareness regarding sustainability is not only a matter of information but also of action.

It is necessary for individuals to internalize the importance of their daily choices and actively commit to environmental protection. Ultimately, social awareness regarding sustainability represents a call to shared responsibility and global solidarity. By joining forces in the pursuit of a more sustainable world, we embark on a collective journey towards a more promising and harmonious future for all inhabitants of planet Earth.

At Wakana Reunion, we envision sustainable development as a collaborative endeavor, engaging every facet of our festival operations. From our dedicated management and programming teams to our communication, partnership, administration, and production departments, sustainable practices are deeply integrated into every aspect of our event.

© Virginie Martinez

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

Leave no trace!

Leave no trace!

Leave no trace!

Leave no trace!

Leave no trace!

Leave no trace!