Stay hydrated and go green

At Wakana Reunion, we understand the importance of staying hydrated to fully enjoy the festival experience. But did you know that we can also take care of the planet while keeping ourselves cool and healthy?

© Uldis Lapins

That’s why at Wakana Reunion, we’re proud to offer you a sustainable alternative for hydration. We invite you to bring your own reusable water bottle. And the best part is, we have water stations throughout the festival grounds where you can refill your water bottle completely free of charge!

Drinking water is essential for keeping us energized and healthy during the festival. But by choosing to refill your water bottle at our water stations, you’re also helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated at events like this. Every small gesture counts when it comes to caring for our planet!

So don’t forget to bring your water bottle and make sure to keep it filled at our water stations while you enjoy the music, nature, and good company at Wakana Reunion. Together, we can make a big difference for a greener, more sustainable future. See you at the festival!