Eco-friendly and reusable ashtrays

Throwing cigarette butts away is strictly prohibited in Wakana Reunion. To conserve our environment we bring you the Biataki ashtray, it’s ecological, practical and you can reuse it!

© biatakí

Taking care of our environment is a priority. Did you know that a single cigarette butt can pollute 2 liters of water, as each one contains around 4000 toxic substances? It’s estimated that about 7,000 cigarette butts are thrown on the ground every second! Besides being mistaken for food by birds, they end up flying and falling into sewers, ultimately ending up in the ocean!

Produced in Portugal from natural and sustainable raw materials such as authentic cane and cork, it is the ideal product to drastically reduce the environmental impact caused by cigarette butts. Handcrafted, each product is unique. Biatakí is a product with added ecological value because, in addition to being created to address a globally significant pollution problem – the waste of cigarette butts in public spaces, it is crafted using artisanal methods and natural raw materials: common sugarcane, which is an invasive species, and cork, in the form of reused corks.

At Wakana Reunion, we hold a deep commitment to preserving our environment and minimizing our ecological footprint. As stewards of nature, we understand the importance of responsible waste management, especially when it comes to the disposal of cigarette butts. We urge everyone to join us in prioritizing environmental stewardship by properly disposing of waste and embracing sustainable alternatives. Together, let’s ensure a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come.