Your eco-route to Wakana Reunion

The green corridor of the two bays

Discover the scenic route to Wakana through the Green Corridor of the Two Bays.

This 93 km-long pathway winds through the countryside of Cadiz province, running from Puerto Real to Los Barrios, passing through the towns of Medina Sidonia and Benalup-Casas Viejas.

Route Highlights:

1. Puerto Real to Medina Sidonia: A picturesque stretch covering 27 km, starting from the Municipal Swimming Complex in Puerto Real and concluding in Medina Sidonia. Enjoy views of the Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park along the way.

2. Medina Sidonia to Celemín: Venture into the Sierra Gaditana on this 8-hour journey. Marvel at the local cattle breeds and pass by the Visigothic hermitage of Los Santos Mártires, believed to be Andalusia’s oldest.

3. Celemín to Montera del Torero: Embark on a 6-hour trek through the Los Alcornocales Natural Park, known as Europe’s last jungle. Traverse cork oak forests, holm oak groves, and other diverse ecosystems.

The Green Corridor of the Two Bays is a flagship project of the Andalusian Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning. It serves both ecological and socio-economic purposes, connecting various natural spaces and promoting tourism and recreation. As part of the European Green Network, it contributes to regional development and environmental conservation efforts.

Explore the Green Corridor of the Two Bays and make your journey to Wakana an unforgettable experience amidst the natural beauty of Andalusia.